In the life of this blog, I have, up until this time, posted my heart and messages descriptive of my journey. Today, however, I deviate from this pattern to pass on what I feel is valuable information passed on to me by a man I trust, whose heart is for the Lord and His church. This man has been on the journey that I now walk and has provided me with many, many invaluable insights and tools to help guide me on this journey. To say that the things that God has revealed to me because of this man's journey to the cross and beyond would be an understatement.
Frank Viola is an author and speaker. I had the privilege of meeting him briefly at Threshold 2011 in Orlando, FL last year. More importantly, I have had the privilege to learn from his 23+ years of seeking and experiencing an organic expression of the church. Because he would take no credit for the ministry he lives, I will give thanks to the Lord for Frank's willingness to get out of God's way so that He might reveal to those of us seeking those things that HE wants us to find. (Yet another thing I have learned from this man.)
Recently, Frank passed on in his blog some information which he thought worth passing on to his readers. Because I respect Frank (not idolize), I place significant value on what he deems important as well. I do read everything he writes through the filter of scripture and have found his writings to be "spot-on" and most often timely delivered. Today, I want to pass this information on to those that read this and encourage you to subscribe to Frank's blog, as well. (He writes ALLOT more than I do and much more frequently.) My hope is that God would begin to open the eyes of a remnant of His church to return to Him and begin to rebuild His temple by His standards - a building not made by human hands but rather constructed of "living stones".
To read this blog, go to You may also subscribe to his blog here. You will find it insightful and informative, but more than this it will cause you to seek the Lord. Blessings to you and yours -
Mark <><