The Way

The Way
My Journey Into the Community God Intended

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Heart of Christmas II - Reclaiming Christmas

Once again we find ourselves on the brink of yet another Christmas holiday, hijacked by commercialism and selfishness. Beside all of the "you need" commercials and the "I want" gift lists we are also bombarded by the encouragement to give to those less fortunate so that they, too, might "have Christmas". How did this occasion get turned from a celebration of the birth of Christ, Immanuel - God with us - into a mad, hectic, depressing season of all things not Christ?

Is it at all possible to reclaim Christmas for Christ, or should we release the church's claim on the holiday, relinquishing control over to the department stores and charities to continue the "traditions" on down the path they have been going for the past century? Then, the church can begin to celebrate a new "holy day" which is purely a remembrance of the day God visited earth in the form of a baby in a manger in a little town called Bethlehem. We can remember, on this day, when the angels sang in a mighty chorus, "Glory to God in the Highest - Peace on earth & goodwill towards men". Rather than giving gifts to others and desiring more gifts for ourselves we could acknowledge the incomparable gift that God gave to each of us in His Son. Perhaps we could all come together with one mind and one heart - the heart of God Himself, and celebrate His worth and His magnificance - and share THIS with those who have not heard this good news.

And perhaps this could be a celebration that lasts more than one day - December 25th. This should be a Holy-Day that lasts from January 1 to, say December 31. I realize this is hardly enough time to properly honor Him who gave us His ALL, but we need to start somewhere. I also realize this would overlap other holiday celebrations, but we can think of it as a marinade that would flavor all the things we do during the celebration season.

And we should call this Holy-Day "Christ-Is", because Christ is the reason for this season I describe to you now. Another idea for a name for this Holy-Day is "Today".

So, join with me in pursuing this new Holy-Day, founded this day in 2011. The only gifts you need to give are to the One whom we celebrate - and all He wants is your all to be added to His All so that He might have a bride and His Father might have a house built from living stones here on this earth. THIS is the heart of what Christmas was intended to be before it became all about us.


Watching all the lights,
Something’s just not right
Where’s the Christmas cheer?
I long just to feel
Some thing that is real
At this time of year.

Oh, Lord please open my eyes
In a Season for You
To show me Your heart’s desire
Lord, take my wants and my needs
As I give them to You
And put Your love in my heart.

I’m coming back to the heart of Christmas
And it’s all about You,
It’s all about You, Jesus.
I’m sorry, Lord, for the thing I’ve made it
When it’s all about You
It’s all about You, Jesus.

Jesus, Lord of all
Born on Christmas day
You became like me.
To show me the Way
Your life was a gift
From God up above.

Oh, Lord please open my eyes
In a Season for You
To show me Your heart’s desire
Lord, take my wants and my needs
As I give them to You
And put Your love in my heart.

I’m coming back to the heart of Christmas
And it’s all about You,
It’s all about You, Jesus.
I’m sorry, Lord, for the thing I’ve made it
When it’s all about You
It’s all about You, Jesus.

Lyrics by Mark & Janine Burnett (2002)
(Based upon lyrics and music by Matt Redman)

1 comment:

  1. Mark,

    I feel your heart brother! Can you imagine living life in light of the incarnation from Jan. 1 - to Dec. 31? What's with Christmas being one day only? Thanks for writing bro!


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